It’s been a month since we returned from Europe. Without the promise of travel to sustain me, it’s a hunker-down-and-survive scenario around here.

Not that this winter is particularly dreadful (aside from that blizzard that snowed us out of the country, what the what?) But I don’t deal well with cold, or dark, or grey skies for weeks on end, and that tends to be how February goes in this part of the world. (Yes, I know, it’s worse in other parts. I wouldn’t do well there, either.)

So I’m lighting a lot of candles, reading a lot of books, typing a lot of words, and layering up in every cozy thing that I own.

And, yes, spending a lot of time dreaming about going back.

there aren’t a lot of you out there

this gets brought up in my family a lot (they’re food evangelicals)

the first observational evidence of dark matter, and other stunners

9 small things that can make an impact

a bravely honest admission

quiet can be joyful indeed

sometimes you need the reminder (and if you don’t listen to the podcast, you should!)

humans are fascinating creatures, aren’t we?

And because good stories are what got me through winter:

short fiction for today

long fiction for tomorrow