what i’m reading

what i’m reading

My reading this past month has been a bit sporadic, due to the competing demands of travel, revisions, family, and general… life, I suppose? But summer begs for at least a little lazy reading time, so I’ve been fitting it into the available spaces,...
what i’m reading

what i’m reading

Once — in that long ago time before self-employment and caring for a tiny human — I used to stubbornly finish every book that I started. If I read chapter one, I read every chapter that followed. It was a matter of principle… and also I had plenty of...
what i’m reading

what i’m reading

Now that it finally feels like fall out, my strongest impulse is to curl up with cozy socks and a stack of books and not emerge from hibernation until May. Sadly, real life keeps getting in the way. But the stack of books is still there, waiting until I have a free...
what i’m reading

what i’m reading

I usually have at least three books that I’m reading at any given time. I’ve been told (many times) that this is a bizarre habit. But I think it’s very logical: I always have something that I’m in the mood to read, no matter what that mood is....