living small

living small

#5: who you emulate I love a good blog about simple, sustainable living. Call it inspiration, call it entertainment, call it good old fashioned peek-over-the-fence voyeurism, but I love reading about the ways other people and families have found to minimize their...
living small

living small

#4: you might not need what you think you need. If you follow me on Instagram, you might know that we recently moved yet again. By the numbers, this is our seventh apartment in six years of marriage, not counting one stint of housesitting and multiple instances of...
living small

living small

#3: socioeconomics Talking about living small — or minimalism, or paring down, or simple living, or however you prefer to think of it— is something that can feel awkward to me. And for a good reason, I think. Because as admirable and, dare I say, ideal, as living...
living small

living small

#2: buying for beauty Many weeks ago now, before leaving for our Europe trip, I posted a picture on Instagram. I almost didn’t post it for one very simple reason: the scissors. That seems like such a strange statement to make. But if you’ve spent any time on Instagram...
living small

living small

In the last eight months I’ve moved twice. And at some point in the next four months, I will likely move again. This is only a little bit by choice. Mostly it’s by necessity, due to school and jobs and trying to figure out where we’re going to put down roots. (Still...